Anil Das is a Malayalam film director and screenwriter from Kerala, India. Born in Kottayam and settled in Kollam. He is known as Director of Off-Beat movies. His ''Bharathan Effect'' (2007) the first science fiction movie in Malayalam, scripted by Madhu Muttam of ''Manichithrathazhu'' fame, received acclaims from the filmy press for its venture into the unexplored. His debut Movie was ''Sargavasantham'' (1995), written by the famous novelist Kakkanadan. Another Off-Beat movie of Anil Das was psychological-thriller ''Alice - A True Story'' (2014), a Psycho Analysis subject in which he has also written the story and screenplay. The movie with the star cast of Priyamani, Rahul Madhav, and Pratap Pothen tells the story of a women with the Split Personality condition called fugue. His next venture which he is penning along with G R Indugopan, is based on the subject euthanasia. ==Filmography== * ''Sargavasantham'' (1995) * ''Bharathan Effect'' (2007) * ''Alice : A True Story'' (2014) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Anil Das」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク